What are your financial goals for 2024?

Let's go big this time!

In 2023, Monica and I generated just under $300,000 while working less than 20 hours per week. What a relief! Short hours every week—anyone could get used to this. And, sure, we could have earned twice as much if we had only worked 40 hours per week.

But why didn't we?

Monica earned $150,366 working 19.96 hours per week

I earned $114,798 working 16.13 hours per week

Let me introduce you to Myron Golden, someone whom I idolize for his ability to articulate words and complex topics in ways not many others can. Myron teaches others about the value of their time in relation to money. Here's a passage from one of his talks:

We've been taught a lot of lies around money, and some of y'all have probably heard some of these lies. One of the lies we've heard is we've heard that time is money. That's a lie. And not only is it a lie, it's a very damaging lie.

It's a very tragic lie. It's a lie that creates poverty and devastation. Time is money. If I hear somebody say time is money, either they're confused and just don't understand that that can't be true or they know it's not true and they're deceiving people.

Time is not money. So, what's the truth? The truth is this: time is greater than money. Time is more valuable than money. It's better than money. It's greater than money. Why? Because if you run out of money, you can always get more.

If I were to say, Okay, I'll write anybody here in this audience today, I will happily write you a... let's just say a $500,000 check today. In fact, I'll write you a million dollar check today. Who wants it? All hands are up.

Okay, cool. But what if I made a stipulation? If I write you a million dollar check today, you have to end your life today. Now, who wants it? Nobody wants it. Why? Because you already intuitively know that time is greater than money. See, so we see that that's a lie. Let's like flip the script.

What if you found out today that you had a terminal illness and you had a million dollars just kind of laying there. It's in your retirement account or maybe it's in your retirement account or maybe it's in in your safe at your house. Insurance doesn't cover the remedy for it. The remedy is $1 million and it's worked 100% of the time for everybody who's ever used it.

Now, can you see why I've been a huge advocate for nurses using their licenses and professions in unique ways? Ways that lead to a decrease at the bedside and an increase at the beachside.

This year is a new year, and you have to go big or go hard. Set yourself up for a life that will allow you to take two, three, or four weeks off at a time without having to worry about not having a job when you come back home.

To do this, you have to do what every other nurse or healthcare worker I've interviewed is doing: leverage your talent, not your time, for money.

And what do I mean by this?

Yes, Monica and I earned $300,000 this year. But $35,000 of those dollars came in the form of business revenue.

We earned less from our jobs, but our business income made up for it.

We have now been working on our YouTube channel and the Nurses to Riches brand for three years. As you can see from the tables above, 2021 and 2022 were nothing to brag about if your strickly speaking business earnings.

We made $0 from sponsorships in those two years, but in 2022—the year we launched spreadsheet sales on our website—our income quickly began to climb.

In 2023, we were able to bring in $2,903 in average monthly revenue because of two sponsorships we had secured, an increase in spreadsheet sales and consultations, and revenue from the ads that play in our YouTube videos.

You may also be seeing a pattern here. The total revenue from our business has gone up from three to ten times, year over year.

So, what should you take away from this? A lot of the income we earn from our business requires less of our time to generate. And the best part about it is that we can run our business from anywhere in the world, and we can give ourselves a break anytime we want one.

This is what you should all be aiming for. In 2024, we will be working on a course and mentorship program to guide nurses who are tired of trading their time for money, are fed up with the deplorable working conditions they are subjected to and are looking for an escape from the rat race. The first step to achieving that goal is to pack your things, leave your state, and move to a city in California with a relatively low cost of living and in close proximity to a high-paying hospital.

We plan to lay out a step-by-step process (something you can already find if you scour through the dozens of videos we have on our YouTube channel) of leaving your state, finding which city in California works best for you, getting yourself licensed, finding a solution for packing and moving all of your material possessions with you, getting yourself settled in California, and learning to navigate through California law and your hospital system's policies to maximize your earning potential.

Another goal we have is to generate at least $6,000 per month from our business while still working less than 20 hours per month, hopefully being able to put ourselves in a position where I can transfer to a per diem position within the Kaiser system.

So, I want you to lay out your goals for the year and get to work!

See you soon!


P.S. We will continue to give our newsletter subscribers a 20% discount on every spreadsheet on our website with the coupon code “20HOURS”. Get yours now!

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