Sacramento is becoming less affordable

Nurses, move here ASAP!

What’s up nurses!

If you've been following our journey, you know that Monica and I are passionate about helping nurses maximize their earnings and quality of life. We've crunched the numbers, toured neighborhoods, and shared insights on how to get the most out of your nursing career.

Today, I want to talk about Sacramento—a city that's rapidly changing—and why now is the perfect time for you to make your move.

The Clock Is Ticking on Affordable Living

Sacramento has been one of the best-kept secrets in Northern California, but that's changing fast. The median home value here is $450,500, much higher than the national median of $281,900. Rent isn't far behind, with the median rent at $1,592 compared to the national average of $1,268. Home prices are climbing steadily, and the longer you wait, the more you'll pay.

Work Less, Earn More

Here's where it gets exciting. Despite working fewer hours than a single full-time nurse typically does, Monica and I have achieved a net take-home pay of $14,000 per month.

I work an average of 17 hours per week, and Monica works 16 hours—that's a combined 33 hours per week. We're earning more while working less, thanks to the high pay rates in Northern California.

While the median household income in Sacramento is $78,954, nurses in this area can earn substantially more. For example, a nurse with just one year of experience working night shifts for 36 hours per week at a hospital like Kaiser Permanente in Northern California can easily earn a gross salary of $178,211 per year

This translates to a take-home pay of approximately $9,556 per month. This is a game-changer for anyone looking to accelerate their financial goals.

Sacramento's Growing Popularity Among Nurses

Sacramento has become highly desirable for nurses, largely because many are aware of the high salaries that Kaiser Permanente offers. However, if you're considering a move to Sacramento, don't discount the fact that other hospitals in the area are often easier to get into and also offer competitive salaries.

Nurses should consider any city in Northern California where a Kaiser hospital is located. Once hired, you can transfer to a more affordable location after six months within the Kaiser system without having to interview again, since you'll be applying as an internal candidate. This flexibility allows you to find a location that best suits your lifestyle and financial goals.

Consider Other High-Paying Opportunities

Don't limit your search to Sacramento alone. Other hospitals closer to the Bay Area offer wages of $100+ per hour. While the cost of living in these areas is higher, they can still be affordable if you're frugal and not a big spender. The key is to balance high earnings with smart financial planning.

Safer Communities Nearby

Safety is a significant concern for many of us. While Sacramento has its challenges, there are neighboring cities that offer a more secure environment. Places like El Dorado Hills, Folsom, Roseville, Rocklin, and Elk Grove are not only safer but also provide excellent amenities and family-friendly communities. These cities have lower crime rates and are ideal places to settle down while still reaping the financial benefits of working in the Sacramento area.

A City of Opportunity and Diversity

Sacramento ranks 3rd out of 229 for the Most Diverse Cities in America and 14th out of 18,165 for Most Diverse Places to Live. You'll be part of a vibrant, multicultural community where everyone can find their niche. The city also ranks 66th out of 229 for Best Cities for Outdoor Activities in America, offering plenty of parks, restaurants, coffee shops, and cultural events.

What They Don't Tell You

While the statistics paint a rosy picture, there are aspects that often go unmentioned. If you grew up in a big city, near a beach, close to family, enjoy all four seasons, and aren't a fan of extreme heat, Sacramento might feel a bit lacking. The city experiences an average of 25+ days over 100 degrees and more than 100 days over 90 degrees annually. For Monica and me, the scorching summers and missing the hustle and bustle of a big city are significant factors.

These are some of the reasons why we've decided to move back to New York City in 2026. We miss the seasons, the proximity to family, and the vibrant city life that NYC offers. But here's the silver lining: our time in Sacramento has been transformative.

From Debt to Financial Freedom

When we moved to Sacramento, we were cash-poor and burdened with debt. Our net worth was less than $80,000. We borrowed $70,000 for a down payment on our house, took out a $76,000 loan for our Volvo XC90, and had over $25,000 in credit card debt, not to mention our student loans. Fast forward to today, and our net worth has soared to over $750,000.

The high earning potential here allowed us to pay off debts, invest wisely, and build substantial wealth—all while working fewer hours than we ever did before. When we move back to NYC, we won't have to work as full-time nurses. Sacramento has given us the financial foundation to live life on our own terms.

Why You Need to Act Now

With each passing month, Sacramento and its surrounding areas become less affordable. If you're considering a move, now is the time to act before prices climb even higher. Don't look back a year from now wishing you'd made the move sooner. Even if Sacramento isn't your forever home, it can be a strategic stepping stone to achieve your financial goals.

Tools to Help You Make the Move

We've created comprehensive spreadsheets that allow you to compare nursing salaries, cost of living, and quality of life metrics across hundreds of cities. You can filter results based on your preferred working hours, shifts, and years of experience. These tools are designed to help you make the most informed decision possible.

Join the Nurses to Riches Accelerator Program

If you appreciate the transparency in this newsletter, we share even more with our members in the Nurses to Riches Accelerator Program.

This program was created for nurses who want to move to California and earn $200,000 per year while working fewer than 40 hours per week (you can actually do it while working 32 hours per week if you follow our plan).

It teaches you:

  • Whether California is (or isn't) for you

  • How to get licensed in California

  • How to plan before you move

  • How to find a hospital that makes sense for you

  • How to analyze and determine your wage on a hospital-by-hospital basis using our Top California Hospitals Spreadsheet

  • How to determine which city makes the most sense to live in using our Ultimate Salaries Spreadsheet with Cost of Living data

  • How to work smarter, not harder, so you can reduce your working hours and make more money

  • How to get rid of your debt (we paid off $128,000 in less than one year)

  • How to begin investing your money

If this sounds good to you, visit our website and use coupon code “LOYAL5” to get an additional 5% off the already heavily discounted 50% off, as a thank you for being a subscriber to our newsletter. Hurry before we increase our prices!

Final Thoughts

Sacramento and its neighboring cities are full of opportunities for those ready to seize them. For us, this move was the catalyst that transformed our financial landscape. We've made it our mission to help you navigate these changes with confidence. Whether it's through our accelerator program, spreadsheets, YouTube channel, or this newsletter, we're here to support you every step of the way.

Don't miss out on the chance to work less, earn more, and build a future where you have the freedom to choose your path—just like we'll be doing when we return to NYC without the need to work full-time.

See you soon,


P.S. Check out our latest YouTube videos where we tour some of the most promising neighborhoods in Sacramento and its safer surrounding cities. You won't want to miss these insights!


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