How to make 2024 your most successful nursing year ever

Hey Nurses,

If you want 2024 to be your most successful year in nursing, then you only have to do one simple thing! I guarantee this will transform your nursing career and income if you stick to it. So in today's email, I'm going to show you:

  1. What it is

  2. How to determine if you are a level 1, 2, or 3 nurse

  3. What nurses often get very wrong

Let's dive in.

P.S. I’m working on a mentorship program to help put you on the path to earning multiple six figures per year, so stay tuned! In the meantime, I will be hosting a special live stream on YouTube this Thursday, November 30th, at 6 PM PST, with Steven Nguyen, the pharmacist with a five-million-dollar net worth who has owned over 90 rental units and will be answering any questions you have about getting started with real estate investing, so make sure you join us live!

The one thing you need to do for MASSIVE success in 2024

Imagine that all your career goals will come true if you can shine a flashlight on a crucial task with absolute focus. To do this, you have two options:

Option 1: Move the flashlight around. Option 2: Keep it steady in one spot.

Which one do you choose?

It's option 2, right? Because keeping the flashlight steady creates intense focus, which leads to success.

This is how you should approach 2024 if you want to accelerate your nursing career and income. Set a goal, go all in on it, and ignore anything that won't help you achieve that goal faster. Channel all your energy into making significant progress.

But how do you know what to focus on?

The three levels of being a Nurse

I believe there are three levels of nursing, and to advance your career and income, you need to determine which level you're at and focus 100% on the tasks that will help you move up to the next level. Let me break them down so you can identify your level.

Level 1 Nurses

At this stage, your focus should be on improving your nursing skills, gaining experience, and increasing your credibility in a specific nursing niche. Your primary metrics to focus on should relate to your skills and professional growth. For example, setting a goal of picking up extra hours at work (this will allow you to pay off debt and save or invest your income) or gaining a specific amount of experience, whether working as an ED nurse, ICU nurse, travel nurse, nurse practitioner, etc. That’s it. If someone suggests exploring a different investment opportunity or side hustle, ask yourself, "Will this help me excel in my current nursing role and achieve my skill-related goals?" If the answer is no, then it's best to ignore it. Focus on honing your nursing skills, building your knowledge, and becoming an expert in your chosen field.

Level 2 Nurses

If you consistently perform well and gain recognition in your nursing role or specialty, it may be time to consider advancing to level 2. This is when you start thinking about expanding your nursing career and possibly building a nursing-related business. Balancing nursing responsibilities and business development can be challenging, so you may need to adjust your nursing workload temporarily or even take a break while you create your nursing product or service. And how do you do this? Make sure you find a job in a high-paying city with a low cost of living or in the highest-paying hospital system in the country by using one of our spreadsheets. Once you have a nursing-related product or service ready, you can return to nursing with the goal of attracting more patients or clients. At this stage, it's also crucial to start building an email list and focus on providing added value to your nursing audience through regular communication. As you learn how to effectively deliver your nursing product or service and generate positive results, you can consider creating additional offerings or expanding your nursing business. Focus your energy on either nursing or business development at different times to maximize your success.

Level 3 Nurses

When you've mastered nursing and have a scalable nursing product or service that's proven successful, you're ready for level 3. At this stage, you should focus on creating short-form nursing content and expanding your nursing brand across various platforms, as we have with our Nurses to Riches brand—we now have over 60,000 followers across all of our social media profiles. You have to aim to be omnipresent in the nursing world. You should be working to build a team to handle different aspects of your nursing brand, allowing you to concentrate on growing your nursing following and business. For example, as soon as we realized that editing video took up over 30 hours of our time per week, the first thing we looked to do was hire an editor, and the next thing we did was hire a virtual assistant to help us find nurses to interview for our podcast. We used to do this because you could get cheap, high-quality, English-speaking employees from the Philippines to help you grow your online presence. In essence, you become a CEO, delegating creative tasks while you focus on strategies that significantly expand your nursing presence and income.

Why You Might Be Approaching Nursing Wrong

Now that you've identified your nursing level, it's important to recognize a common mistake many nurses make. Level 1 nursing strategies are often promoted by the masses and can divert your focus from what truly matters to achieving results. We're bombarded with advice to work as much overtime as humanly possible, get certifications in everything, go back to school to get a master’s degree, work, work, and work some more. However, attempting to do all of these things simultaneously, or even more than one of them at a time, is only advisable if you want to delay getting to level 3. Here's a quick win for you: Make a list of all the nursing tasks you believe you should be doing, then eliminate any tasks that won't help you become a successful, six-figure nurse while being able to maintain your quality of life and sleep if you're at level one. If you're at level two, delete anything that won't contribute to developing and launching your nursing product, service, business, or side hustle. Focus solely on the remaining tasks to achieve your goal. Three tasks that almost every nurse should delete right now are:

  1. Overworking yourself with no goal in sight

  2. Trying to do too many things at the same time

  3. Not saving or investing any of your earned income

When you realize your goal and the steps that you need to take to hit it, ignoring all of the distractions really is an amazing weapon.

See you next week!


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