How making more money as a nurse can change your life

And how we can teach you how to be the 1% of nurses

Sup nurses!

Imagine a life where financial stress is a thing of the past, where you have the freedom to live your dreams and the security to face any challenge. As a nurse, making more money isn’t just about the numbers – it’s about transforming your life. Our course is designed to help you achieve this transformation.

Why Making More Money Matters

  1. Freedom to Live Your Dreams: More income means you can finally afford that dream vacation, buy your dream home, or even invest in further education. Imagine taking your family on a trip to Hawaii or moving into a beautiful home in a great neighborhood.

  2. Financial Security: Higher earnings can help you build a robust emergency fund, pay off debts, and save for retirement. This security can give you peace of mind and reduce the stress that comes with financial uncertainty. This is why Monica and I are able to work fewer hours than a single nurse and still have enough money left over in the budget for a $15,000 trip to the Maldives and a $20,000 trip to Bora Bora (coming soon).

  3. Improved Quality of Life: With more money, you can afford better healthcare, invest in your personal well-being, and enjoy life’s little luxuries. Think about being able to regularly dine at nice restaurants, enjoy spa treatments, or join a gym.

  4. Opportunities for Your Family: More income means better opportunities for your children, whether it’s enrolling them in top schools, supporting their hobbies, or saving for their college education. Picture your children thriving in the best schools and pursuing their passions without financial constraints.

How Our Course Helps You Earn More

Our course provides you with all the tools and knowledge you need to maximize your income as a nurse in ways that nurses in every other state are unable to do. This course gives you:

  • Step-by-Step Guidance: Learn how to get your California nursing license and secure high-paying jobs at top hospitals.

  • Insider Tips: Discover the best strategies for earning more through overtime, shift differentials, and advanced staff positions.

  • Financial Management: Learn our methods for managing your money, reducing debt, and building wealth.

  • Investing Insights: Learn the investment strategies we used to increase our net worth and decrease our tax liabilities.

Real-Life Success Stories

Here’s what some of our students have achieved:

  • @nanaynarsjes: Has transformed her life by following all of the steps we’ve laid out in our videos.

  • @gamesrsamusement8845: Was able to purchase a house 7 months after moving to Sacramento.

  • @Justanurse357: Is going to be able to have a decent retirement because of the job she was able to get in San Francisco after following our advice.

  • Monica and I: Managed to pay off over $128,000 in just one year and now work less than 20 hours per week, enjoying a comfortable lifestyle.

If you appreciate the transparency in this newsletter, we share more of this with our members in the Nurses to Riches accelerator program.

The program was created for nurses who want to move to California and earn $200,000 per year while working fewer than 40 hours per week (you can actually do it while working 32 hours per week if you follow our plan).

It teaches you:

  • Whether California is (or isn’t) for you

  • How to get licensed in California

  • How to plan before you move

  • How to find a hospital that makes sense for you

  • How to analyze and determine your wage on a hospital-by-hospital basis by using our Top California Hospitals Spreadsheet

  • How to determine which city makes the most sense to live in by using our Ultimate Salaries Spreadsheet with Cost of Living data

  • How to work smarter, not harder so you can reduce your working hours and make more money

  • How to get rid of your debt (we paid off $128k in less than 1 year)

  • How to begin to invest your money

If this sounds good to you, you can visit our website and use coupon code “LOYAL5” to get an additional 5% off the already heavily discounted 50% off until we increase our prices as a thank you for being a subscriber of our newsletter.


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